2/25/25 Snow Base: 10 inches The Warming Hut is closed today, but the trails are open. Sign up for The Daily Glide, our daily ski conditions email to get the news first: https://westernt.substack.com
Hunting and Trapping Policy, August 2024
WFLT requests that anyone hunting on WFLT’s lands annually provide notice to WFLT by email at info@wfltmaine.orgusing the subject line “Hunter” or in writing to PO Box 107, Norway, ME 04268 and providing the hunter’s name, address, phone number, license plate number, and anticipated hunting or trapping location(s). Except in the circumstances required below, WFLT does not provide individual letters of permission for hunting or trapping activities.
WFLT believes in allowing hunting on the properties that it owns, including those it acquires through donation, whenever possible. This policy does not apply to lands on which WFLT holds a conservation easement, since these lands are owned by other parties who continue to exercise control over public uses, including hunting, consistent with the terms of the easement. Accordingly, the following policy provides guidance to the public on the issue of hunting on WFLT fee-owned lands only.
WFLT recognizes that its fee-owned lands contribute to the overall quality of life for inhabitants of and visitors to our communities. WFLT is strongly committed to keeping its lands accessible to the public for traditional recreational activities including hunting, where appropriate. Hunting can help to maintain a healthy balance between a game species and the land’s ability to support it; this in turn contributes to ecological diversity and helps native plant and animal communities thrive.
Therefore, it is WFLT’s policy to allow hunting on its fee-owned lands, except when there are overriding safety or other concerns, as determined by the Board and except as noted below. In accordance with Maine law, visitors to these properties should presume that hunting is permitted in the absence of boundary postings or other warnings that state otherwise. All hunting activities must be conducted at a reasonable distance from any established recreational trail. Hunters may not use bait, erect shelters, blinds, tree stands (temporary or otherwise), game cameras, or other structures on WFLT-owned lands, and anyone hunting on WFLT lands must observe all applicable laws. The use of motorized vehicles for hunting is permitted only in accordance with each property’s use guidelines. Shooting across trails is prohibited.
A portion of Shepard’s Farm Preserve (19 acres Norway) is closed to hunting because of its proximity to residential neighborhoods as well as to provide a preserve for people with dogs. Shepard’s Farm is posted with signage that hunting is not permitted.
McKeen Wildlife Refuge (78 acres in Oxford) is closed to hunting in keeping with its designation as a Forever Wild property.
North Norway Forest (76 acres in Norway) is open for deer hunting only. All other forms of hunting are prohibited.
Many WFLT properties have hiking trails and are visited by individuals, families, and pets of all ages. WFLT believes that the use of traps on many of its lands may conflict with other recreational activities.
Trapping is permitted only on the following properties:
● Roberts Farm Preserve
● Twin Bridges Preserve (including the Edwards Mills parcel)
● Oak Hill
● Watkins South
● South Pond (14 acres of Virgil Parris Forest Preserve)
● Oxford Forest Preserve
Anyone wishing to trap on these properties must first obtain WFLT’s written permission and must follow rules established by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The use of motorized vehicles for trapping is permitted only in accordance with each property’s use guidelines.
Trapping on other WFLT properties is generally not permitted. However, WFLT may consider written requests to use traps on its properties on a case-by-case basis. Permission may be granted only in writing for purposes such as trapping conducted for research or to control animals that pose a nuisance or that threaten endangered species.