1.31.25 Update: The ski and snowshoe trails are OPEN. The Warming Hut is open today 1-7PM for gear rentals. Trails are very firm, packed powder and some thins areas with dips at the waterbeds. Nice skiing! Sign up for The Daily Glide, our daily ski conditions email to get the news first: https://westernt.substack.com
Connecting Roberts Farm to Downtown Norway
LOCATION: [location in town]
DISTANCE: _______________
DIFFICULTY: Intermediate?

[Month Year]
History of Farm to Town Trail at Roberts

NOTE- I think it would be nice to have some more maps in here. Maybe a quick description about the process for how the routes came to be.
Work on the trail began in ________, but progress was held back for years by the drawn-out negotiation and purchase of a 6-acre parcel on the proposed route. With the help of generous donors, the parcel was finally purchased in July 2022, with work starting on the final segment of the trail in August 2022. See the slideshow for a collection of photos from this process. You may click on the images to enlarge them and read their descriptions.
Roberts Farm Preserve is a conservation and recreation project of the Western Foothills Land Trust. To read more about the 165 acre preserve and its free-to-use resources, visit the Roberts Farm page.
